Epson to Launch Mass Production of the M-G570PR, a High-precision, Low-noise IMU Enabled by Multi-sensor Technology

The IMU offers both high bias stability and environmental resistance with an IP67 rating for protection against dust and water

Munich, August 5, 2024 - Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724, "Epson") has developed and recently begun volume production of the new premium model for its lineup of inertial measurement units1 ("IMUs") equipped with high-performance six-axis sensors. The new model, the M-G570PR , offers high precision, low noise and an IP67 rating for protection against the intrusion of dust and water.
Epson launched its first IMU with quartz crystal gyroscope sensors2 at its core in 2011. Since then, Epson's IMUs have been used in an array of customer applications, from precision agriculture (GNSS3), small satellites4 using consumer and industrial components, and EO/IR camera gimbals5 to antenna platform for vibration control and stabilization, earning an excellent reputation for outstanding performance and quality. In recent years, IMU use has expanded into fields such as surveying, or aerial and satellite video photography, creating a growing need for more accurate position and attitude control. Accordingly, demand is rising for IMUs that offer high-precision performance, which is crucial in attitude control.
The new M-G570PR is based on the existing M-G370PDG and uses Epson's proprietary multi-sensor technology to improve performance by combining multiple IMUs. This achieves gyro bias instability6 of 0.5°/h and angle random walk7 of 0.04°/√h, enabling more accurate measurement.
Packaged in an IP67-rated metal enclosure, the M-G570PR offers high-level of protection against the intrusion of dust and water. It also comes standard equipped with an RS-4228 serial communication interface, which is commonly used in the industrial field. This IMU can thus be used in a wide variety of industrial applications that require high stability and high reliability.
Given the social and technological changes that are underway, Epson believes that the need for precision sensors will only expand going forward. We will continue to leverage our philosophy of efficient, compact, and precise innovation to provide small, lightweight, low-power sensing systems that offer outstanding precision, high stability, and low noise to significantly contribute to our customers' products and services.

Product Features

  • 0.5°/h gyro bias instability
  • 0.04°/√h angle random walk
  • Gyroscope sensor non-linearity9 is 0.05% for the sensor's full scale range
  • IP67 rated, RS-422 interface, failure diagnosis function

Product Applications

  • Vibration control for EO/IR camera gimbals, antennas, small satellites that use consumer and industrial components, etc.
  • Navigation systems (GNSS, INS10, high-precision locators), etc.
  • Unmanned vehicles (industrial drones, terrestrial vehicles, sea probes, etc.)
  • Vibration, angle, trajectory measurement of industrial equipment, etc.

Related links

Please see the links below for further product details.

General Specifications of the M-G570PR and 1-Inch Platform Products

Performance & Function / Product Name New Product: Premium Model
High precision, low noise
Advanced model
Protection against water and dust Conventional 1-inch model
Product M-G570PR M-G370PDG
Appearance & size

65 x 60 x 30 mm

24 x 24 x 10 mm

Output range
Gyroscope sensor ±450 °/s
Accelerometer ±15 G ±16 G / ±8 G
Accuracy & stability
Gyro bias instability 0.5°/h 0.8°/h
Angle random walk 0.04 °/√h 0.06 °/√h
Gyro non-linearity 0.05 % of full scale
Initial bias
Gyroscope sensors 360°/h, σ
(-30℃ to +70℃)
360°/h, σ
(-40℃ to +85℃)
Accelerometers 2 mG, σ
Interface RS422 SPI & UART
Output resolution 32 bit
Maximum data output rate 2,000Hz
Operating temperature range -30℃ to +70℃ -40℃ to +85℃
Current consumption 60 mA (12 V) 16 mA (3.3 V)
Protection against water and dust IP67 -

1 Inertial measurement unit (IMU): An IMU is a device that is used for sensing inertial motion. It is comprised of triaxial angular rate sensors and triaxial accelerometers.
2 Gyroscope sensor (angular rate sensor)
3 A global navigation satellite system (GNSS): A satellite system that is used to pinpoint a geographic location anywhere in the world
4 This product and other Epson IMUs do not conform to the standards for use in space.
5 EO/IR camera gimbal: An electro-optical, infrared camera system
6 Gyro bias instability: The part of the Allan variance that represents the horizontal (zero power) characteristic is called bias instability. It correlates with 1/f noise and is one of the important indicators of sensor potential.
(An indicator of sensor performance, the Allan variance indicates the stability of the static output. The horizontal axis shows the averaging time of data, and the vertical axis shows the distribution of the average value when separated by the average time. It is known that the sensor characteristics appear as slopes in the Allan variance at -1, -1/2, 0, 1/2, and 1st power slopes. Allan variance is an indicator expressed over averaging time. The smaller the value, the higher the stability and the better the performance.)
7 Angle random walk: The part of the root Allan variance with a slope of -1/2 is called the angle random walk and correlated with white noise.
8 RS-422: A standard for serial communication that is commonly used in industrial systems and other applications requiring reliable long-distance serial communication
9 INS: Inertial navigation system - Measures the rotation angle (angular rate) of an object versus a reference axis per unit of time.
10 Non-linearity: The maximum deviation from an approximate straight line of the output versus input of a gyroscope sensor or accelerometer. It is typically expressed as a percentage of the full scale.


About Epson Europe Electronics GmbH
Epson Europe Electronics GmbH is a marketing, engineering and sales company and the European headquarter for electronic devices of the Seiko Epson Corporation, Japan. Since 1989 located in Munich/Germany with 50 employees, Epson Europe Electronics GmbH has several European sales representatives and a European-wide network of distributors. Epson Europe Electronics GmbH provides value added services for timing devices, semiconductors, sensors and sensing systems targeted to various markets like industrial, automotive, medical, and communication. Epson products are recognized for energy saving, low power, small form factors and rapid time to market. More information about Epson Europe Electronics GmbH is available on the internet under

About Epson
Epson is a global technology leader whose philosophy of efficient, compact and precise innovation enriches lives and helps create a better world. The company is focused on solving societal issues through innovations in home and office printing, commercial and industrial printing, manufacturing, visual and lifestyle. Epson’s goal is to become carbon negative and eliminate use of exhaustible underground resources such as oil and metal by 2050.
Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the worldwide Epson Group generates annual sales of more than JPY 1 trillion.


Epson beginnt mit der Massenproduktion des M-G570PR, einer hochpräzisen, geräuscharmen IMU mit Multi-Sensor-Technologie

München, 5. August 2024 - Die Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724, „Epson“) hat das neue Premium-Modell ihrer Reihe von Inertialmesseinheiten1 („IMUs“) mit leistungsstarken Sechs-Achsen-Sensoren entwickelt und kürzlich mit der Serienproduktion begonnen. Das neue Modell, die M-G570PR, bietet hohe Präzision, geringes Rauschverhalten und die Schutzklasse IP67 zum Schutz gegen das Eindringen von Staub und Wasser.
Epson präsentierte 2011 seine erste IMU mit quarzbasierten Gyrokopsensoren2 als Herzstück. Seitdem wurden die IMUs von Epson in einer Reihe von Kundenanwendungen eingesetzt, von der Präzisionslandwirtschaft (GNSS3) über Kleinsatelliten4 die Konsumer- und Industriekomponenten verwenden, Mulitsensor-Gimbals5 bis hin zur Stabilisierung von Antennenplattformen, und haben sich einen ausgezeichneten Ruf für hervorragende Leistung und Qualität erworben. In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Verwendung von IMUs auf Bereiche wie Mapping oder Luft- und Satellitenfotografie ausgeweitet, was einen wachsenden Bedarf an genauer Positions- und Lageregelung mit sich bringt. Dementsprechend steigt die Nachfrage nach IMUs, die eine hochpräzise Leistung bieten, was für die Stabilisierung entscheidend ist.
Die neue M-G570PR basiert auf der bestehenden M-G370PDG IMU und nutzt Multisensortechnologie von Epson, um die Leistung durch die Kombination mehrerer IMUs zu verbessern. Dadurch wird eine Gyro-Bias-Stabilität6 von 0,5°/h und einen Angular Random Walk7 von 0,04°/√h erreicht, was genauere Messungen ermöglicht.
Die M-G570PR ist in einem Aluminiumgehäuse der Schutzart IP67 untergebracht und bietet somit ein hohes Maß an Schutz gegen das Eindringen von Staub und Wasser. Außerdem ist sie standardmäßig mit einem seriellen RS-422-Interface ausgestattet, das im industriellen Bereich häufig verwendet wird. Diese IMU kann somit in einer Vielzahl von industriellen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden, die eine hohe Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit erfordern.
Angesichts des gesellschaftlichen und technologischen Wandels ist Epson davon überzeugt, dass der Bedarf an Präzisionssensoren, die Informationen visualisieren können, in Zukunft noch steigen wird. Epson wird weiterhin die Philosophie der effizienten, kompakten und präzisen Innovation nutzen, um kleine, leichte und stromsparende Sensorsysteme mit herausragender Präzision und Stabilität zu entwickeln, die einen wichtigen Beitrag zu den Produkten und Services der Kunden leisten.


0.5°/h Gyro-Bias-Stabilität6 
0.04°/√h Angular Random Walk7
Gyroskop Sensorlinearität10 ist 0.05% über Full Scale
IP67 Gehäuse, RS-4228 interface, Diagnosefunktion


Vibrationskontrolle und Stabilisierung von Gimbals, Antennen, New Space Satelliten und mehr...
Navigationssysteme (GNSS3, INS9, hochpräzise Ortung) etc.
Unbemannte Fahrzeuge wie industrielle Drohen, Landfahrzeuge, Unterwassersonden und vieles mehr
Messungen von Vibrationen, Ausrichtung, und Bewegung von industriellen Geräten und Maschinen.

Weiterführende Links

Weitere Informationen zu den Produkten finden Sie unter dem nachstehenden Link.

1 Inertiale Messeinheit (IMU): Ein Bauteil zur Erfassung von Inertalbewegungen, die aus Rotationen um drei Achsen und Beschleunigungen in drei Richtungen besteht. 
2 Gyro-Sensor (angular rate sensor): Misst den Drehwinkel (Winkelgeschwindigkeit) eines Objekts gegenüber einer Bezugsachse pro Zeiteinheit.
3 Ein “global navigation satellite system” (GNSS): Ein Satelliten System, zur Positionsbestimmung und Navigation auf der Erde und in
4 This product and other Epson IMUs do not conform to the standards for use in space.
5 EO/IR camera gimbal: An electro-optical, infrared camera system
6 Gyro bias instability: The part of the Allan variance that represents the horizontal (zero power) characteristic is called bias instability. It correlates with 1/f noise and is one of the important indicators of sensor potential.
(An indicator of sensor performance, the Allan variance indicates the stability of the static output. The horizontal axis shows the averaging time of data, and the vertical axis shows the distribution of the average value when separated by the average time. It is known that the sensor characteristics appear as slopes in the Allan variance at -1, -1/2, 0, 1/2, and 1st power slopes. Allan variance is an indicator expressed over averaging time. The smaller the value, the higher the stability and the better the performance.)
7 Angle random walk: The part of the root Allan variance with a slope of -1/2 is called the angle random walk and correlated with white noise.
8 RS-422: A standard for serial communication that is commonly used in industrial systems and other applications requiring reliable long-distance serial communication
9 INS: Inertial navigation system - Measures the rotation angle (angular rate) of an object versus a reference axis per unit of time.
10 Non-linearity: The maximum deviation from an approximate straight line of the output versus input of a gyroscope sensor or accelerometer. It is typically expressed as a percentage of the full scale.


About Epson Europe Electronics GmbH
Epson Europe Electronics GmbH is a marketing, engineering and sales company and the European headquarter for electronic devices of the Seiko Epson Corporation, Japan. Since 1989 located in Munich/Germany with 50 employees, Epson Europe Electronics GmbH has several European sales representatives and a European-wide network of distributors. Epson Europe Electronics GmbH provides value added services for timing devices, semiconductors, sensors and sensing systems targeted to various markets like industrial, automotive, medical, and communication. Epson products are recognized for energy saving, low power, small form factors and rapid time to market. More information about Epson Europe Electronics GmbH is available on the internet under

About Epson
Epson is a global technology leader whose philosophy of efficient, compact and precise innovation enriches lives and helps create a better world. The company is focused on solving societal issues through innovations in home and office printing, commercial and industrial printing, manufacturing, visual and lifestyle. Epson’s goal is to become carbon negative and eliminate use of exhaustible underground resources such as oil and metal by 2050.
Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the worldwide Epson Group generates annual sales of more than JPY 1 trillion.


Timing Devices

Leading manufacturer in quartz devices

Sensing Solutions

Industry-leading stability & reliability


Low-power, small, high-precision devices

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